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These rules may be amended, modified or improved at any time by the Organization, as well as any data, rule or section for an optimal realization of the race. The fact of registering shows the participant's conformity with these regulations.


These regulations will be of strict compliance for all participants of the event called SIERRA NEVADA LIMIT - GRAN FONDO in any of its modalities. Any incident not covered herein will be resolved by the Jury of the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO, composed of a Referee Judge, the Sports Director of the event, a Member of the Organization and a Representative of the cyclists.





The cycling race SIERRA NEVADA LIMIT - GRAN FONDO is organized by TerraIncognita Global SL.



  • Art.2  RACE

The SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO is a cyclo-sportive event with code: M.C. UCI Cycling for All, Free speed race.

The SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO has two distances of 146km and 3900m+ and 115km and 3070m+

The SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO 146km will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025 from 08:00 am. The start will take place in the town of Cenes de la Vega.

The SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO 115km  will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025 from 09:30 am. The start will take place in the town of Cenes de la Vega.

The closing of the finish line for the participants will take place at 17:30 hours of the same.


The SIERRA NEVADA LIMIT - GRAN FONDO is held with absolute respect for the environment.

Participants must respect the environment in which the race takes place and keep the surroundings clean. To do so, they must eat and drink WITHOUT LEAVING ANY CONTAINERS OUTSIDE THE CONTAINERS provided for such use.

FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS POINT WILL RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE RUNNER, who may be disqualified by a simple testimony of any member of the Race's organizational team. 

The Organization will not cut at any time the circulation, and participants will respect the road rules in towns and roads of public use and public domain.

Will be disqualified from the competition, participants who show violent attitudes or throw garbage in nature. It is mandatory to respect crops, livestock and private property in general.

Participants will be responsible for any damage caused as a result of this type of behavior.

It is strictly forbidden to receive external help or refreshments during the race outside the points provided by the Organization: these will coincide with the official refreshment points of the race.





Participation will be open to all those who correctly formalize both the REGISTRATION and the payment stipulated for the races. 


The registration fee for the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO will be governed according to the payment terms established in the registration page.

Registration for the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO implies the acceptance of the rules and the adequate preparation of the participant for the race, being aware of the geographical and meteorological conditions that can be found in the environment where the event takes place. In this sense, the participant exempts the Organization of possible health problems that may arise from their participation in the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO.

The cyclists registered for the race understand that they participate voluntarily and under their own responsibility in the event, and therefore, exonerate the Organization of the race from any responsibility, and agree not to denounce the organizing entity, collaborators, sponsors and other participants, as well as not to initiate any claim of civil liability towards the aforementioned parties.


All participants will have the right to cancel their registration and receive the corresponding refund according to the terms stated on the following registration page. 


Only cancellation requests sent 15 days before the race will be accepted.

All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the request.


Once the cancellation request has been made, the place becomes available to the Organization, who will transfer it to the candidate who occupies the first position on the waiting list at that time.



  • Art.6  DORSALS


All information on times and place of collection of bibs can be found in the web section "Delivery of bibs".

The participant will be obliged to wear the bib number during the whole race, always on the front of the bicycle, in a totally visible way.

Each bib number will be personal and non-transferable.


Each participant will be assigned a bib number that will be randomly determined in all cases, except for the first numbers that will be determined by the Organization. 


Registered cyclists will be assigned a bib number with a different color depending on the modality registered.

Once the event is over, the race bibs and runner's bag will not be sent to the runner's home under any circumstances. 



All riders of the SIERRA NEVADA LIMIT - GRAN FONDO, without exception, must ensure that they wear an approved cycling helmet.




The route of the race will be marked with signs and specific signage created for the race. The race route will be published on the official website of the race. Any change or modification will be made public by the same means.


Each participant must follow the entire marked route, without skipping the signs and passing through all the checkpoints.


In addition to the fixed checkpoints indicated on the official website, the Organization may place "surprise" checkpoints for passing or material at any point along the route.

Each participant is obliged to attend to the requests and questions of any commissaire, doctor, nurse or refreshment manager either at the stipulated checkpoints or at any other point of the route.

It is strictly forbidden to receive external assistance or refreshments during the race outside the points provided by the Organization: these will coincide with the official refreshment points of the race. Likewise, it is forbidden to be accompanied by other people who are not registered participants in the race.

At each refreshment point there will be a specific closing time, being an indispensable requirement to pass before the established closing time in order to continue in the race.


Each refreshment point will have food and beverages that will vary depending on the kilometer where it is located. Food and beverages must be consumed at the refreshment post itself in sufficient quantity to ensure sufficient energy reserves to reach the next one, except for water, which can also be loaded in the tanks and reservoirs carried by the cyclist.

In order to use the refreshment point it will be an essential requirement to wear the race bib.


In the finish area of Pradollano all participants will have an area equipped with hot food, medical service, showers etc..



Each runner will be able to deliver a bag to the checkroom located at the start, where he/she will be able to pick it up once the race is over.

This bag will be duly identified with the bib label provided by the Organization. The runner must hand it in before entering the starting box.

The Organization will not check the condition of the bag or the material inside it, so it will not attend to claims for breakage of the bag and/or the material inside it, nor for the loss of the objects it contains. It is therefore recommended that both the bag and the material inside it are not fragile or valuable and that the closure of the bag is well secured to prevent loss in transport.


Throughout the race there will be several medical and security teams that will be coordinated with 112 by the central management of the SIERRA NEVADA LIMIT - GRAN FONDO.


These teams will be distributed among the different refreshment posts and the runner will be able to request their help or assistance in case of need.


All participants will submit to the doctor's judgement whenever requested, being the assessment of the medical team the one that prevails over any other, so the doctors may:


  • Eliminate from the race (cancelling the race bib) any runner they consider unfit to continue.

  • Order the evacuation of any runner they consider in danger.

  • Order the hospitalization of any runner when it is considered necessary.


  • Art.11 ABANDONS


Abandonments must be made at the check points. If due to an accident or injury the runner is immobilized and cannot reach a checkpoint, he/she will activate the rescue operation by contacting the organization by telephone through the Emergency Mobile Phone number indicated on the race bib.

Once at the refreshment post, the runner will communicate his/her desire to abandon the race to the person in charge of the refreshment post so that he/she can cancel the race bib and identify him/her as having retired.


It should be noted that only at the refreshment posts, indicated as points with RETREAT CONTROL, there will be means of transport to evacuate runners who abandon the race. 

In the event that the abandoned runner chooses to return by his own means, he must also inform the person in charge of the refreshment post of his abandonment so that he can cancel his bib and identify him as having retired, otherwise the Organization will consider him lost and will activate the rescue alarm.



In case of bad weather conditions or force majeure, the Organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and/or the course of the race.

In case of cancellation of the race due to force majeure and more than 7 days before the start date, a partial refund of the registration fee will be made according to the date of the cancellation and therefore of the expenses already incurred.


In the event that such cancellation occurs during the 7 days prior to the start of the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO and for reasons beyond the Organization's control, or in case of suspension of the race once the start has taken place, no refund will be considered.



Strictly speaking, penalties will be applied to those participants who:

Do not respect the highway code.

- Do not respect the security instructions given by the police and the Organization.

- Do not pass through the start control and others located on the route.

- Dirty or degrade the itinerary, throwing garbage.

- Have their own support vehicle, hindering the progress of the rest.

- Behavior that impedes the normal development of the race and that goes against these rules.

The members of the forces of order and the Organization will take note of those who perform any of the behaviors listed above.

The organization acquires the commitment before the rest of the participants and the authorities to sanction them effectively. 


The penalty will be:

  • Disqualification from the race.

  • Inclusion in the list of penalized participants, for subsequent publication.

  • Prohibition to participate in other editions of the race.

  • The sanctions imposed by the authorities, to which his attitude could be deserving.




There will be no categories, however there will be a census of participants who have completed the race by sex and age of the participant (List of finishers).

Finisher Medal will be awarded with distinction according to time, age and sex:


  • GOLD - sub 6h 00´

  • SILVER - sub 7h 00´ 

  • BRONZE - sub 8h 00´

  • FINISHER - a partir de 8h 00´hasta las 10h.


  • GOLD - sub 6h 45´

  • SILVER - sub 7h 45´ 

  • BRONZE - sub 8h 45´

  • FINISHER - a partir de 8h 45´hasta las 10h.

To qualify for any of the mentions it will be an indispensable condition to have finished the race. 


  • Art.15  CLAIMS


Any participant of the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO who wishes to make a claim to the Race Organization, must present a deposit of 60 € which will only be returned in the event that the claim is favorable to the claimant.

Each claim will be studied and resolved by the competition jury which will be formed by:


  • A referee

  • The sports director  

  • A representative of the Organization

  • The person in charge of the timing (if necessary)

  • A representative of the athletes


No appeal may be lodged against the decision of the competition jury.


The organization is not responsible for any accident that could be the cause or victim of the participant, who must be covered by the corresponding federal license or accident insurance contracted to the organization in case of not being federated. The organization is not responsible for any expenses or debts that participants may incur during the race, nor for any loss, theft, damage or breakdown that may occur to the bicycles or other equipment of the participants. The participant exempts the organization from any liability for loss or damage of personal belongings for any reason.  





The acceptance of these regulations implies that the participant authorizes TerraIncognita Global SL to take photographs and film his participation in any of the races of the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO, and gives his consent for the dissemination, commercial and advertising exploitation of all images taken during the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO, TerraIncognita Sport SL reserves the exclusive right to the image of the SIERRA NEVADA LÍMITE - GRAN FONDO, as well as the audiovisual, photographic and journalistic exploitation of the competition. Any media or advertising project must first have the express written consent of the organization. Otherwise, any legal action deemed appropriate will be taken.




In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, we inform participants that their personal data will become part of a file called "Participants Sports Events", owned by the entity TerraIncognita Global SL in order to manage the organization, implementation and dissemination of sporting events, the publication of the rankings, as well as the safety of its participants. The recipients of these data are the entity itself. The participant is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided and has the right to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data within the scope recognized by Law 15/99 of December 13, 1999. To exercise these rights, please write to TerraIncognita Global SL at info@terraincognita.group.


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